Your donations help us serve our community in so many ways

Ways to Give


    Mail your check to:

    Glen Ridge Volunteer Ambulance Squad
    3 Herman St
    Glen Ridge, NJ 07028


    Make a secure online donation via Givebutter.

The Glen Ridge Volunteer Ambulance Squad (Federal ID 22-2883089) is a non-profit corporation under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS tax code. Donations are fully tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. GRVAS is also registered with the New Jersey Directory of Registered Charities and makes its audited financial statements available to the public upon request.

Glen Ridge Volunteer Ambulance Squad members

Here are some of the ways we use your generous donations:

  • Providing all members with necessary personal protective equipment.

  • Stocking our rigs with medical supplies to treat patients, oxygen and tools to assess patients.

  • Equipment to safely move patients.

  • Rig maintenance.

  • Training programs and equipment to ensure members are always up to date on new protocols and treatment options.

  • Providing members with a GRVAS shirt and reflective safety jacket.